The highly anticipated spy thriller G2, directed by Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi, promises to be a cinematic masterpiece with the dynamic Adivi Sesh at the helm alongside Wamiqa Gabbi. This led the charge as the heart and soul of the spy thriller. Joining him in this ambitious pan-India action franchise is Wamiqa Gabbi, along with Emraan Hashmi.
Wamiqa Gabbi joins spy thriller G2 with Emraan Hashmi
A new poster featuring Wamiqa Gabbi has been unveiled by the makers, showcasing her in a powerful and enigmatic pose alongside Adivi Sesh and with this powerhouse cast, G2 is shaping up to be a true pan-India spectacle.
The poster hints at the intense and gripping narrative that awaits fans, as Wamiqa steps into the spotlight as the lead opposite the enigmatic Adivi Sesh, taking the franchise to new heights. Her character promises to add a fresh, dynamic layer to the spy thriller.
Joining Adivi Sesh, who reprises his role as the enigmatic spy, and Wamiqa Gabbi and Emraan Hashmi alongside. The stellar ensemble cast includes Murali Sharma, Supriya Yarlagadda, and Madhu Shalini. Together, they promise a cinematic experience packed with action, intrigue, and edge-of-the-seat drama.
About G2
Produced by T G Vishwa Prasad and Abhishek Agarwal under – People Media Factory, Abhishek Agarwal Arts – and AK Entertainments. G2 is gearing up to be a pan-Indian extravaganza, releasing in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. With a powerhouse cast and a story set to redefine the spy thriller genre. G2 is undoubtedly one of the most awaited films on the horizon.